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Analysis of Statutes Governing Service Delivery Performance. Part 2
This is the second part of a series of articles that examine how laws in a particular state guide the delivery of human services. The...

Analysis of Statutes Governing Service Delivery Performance. Part I
Through its Department of Health and Human Services, Minnesota actively seeks and secures funding, channels these resources through...

Making Full Use of Standardized Employee Satisfaction Surveys
For social service delivery agencies, a client satisfaction survey involves listening to the voice-of-customers. Similarly, a...

Estimating Cost and Benefits of Early Childhood Visiting Service
Early Childhood Visiting Program The early childhood visiting service begins during the prenatal phase for high-risk families. After...

High-Level Process Maps: Foster Care Services
When at risk of maltreatment in their family, children and youth are temporarily taken out of their homes and placed in foster care or...

Optimal Supply Chain Model: Highway Concrete Aggregates
A supply chain is a network of physical or virtual products flowing between suppliers, distribution centers, and customers. Product...

Diversity and the Modern Portfolio Theory
Measuring the impact of diversity in organizational excellence has vexed even its staunchest advocate. We can learn, however, from a...

From Supported to Competitive Employment: A Case Study
There are 7 million people with intellectual and developmental disability in the United States.Half of them, or 53%, are employed in a...

Testing for Racial Bias in Standardized Screening Tool Results
This article, the third in a series (2) (3), relates our findings from information and data in a recently published “Evaluation Report of...

Appropriate Evaluation of Standardized Assessment Tools
Currently, human service assessment tools do not lend themselves to meaningful evaluation. We believe that the performance criteria of...
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